UFO is one of the most popular unexplained phenomenon of our time.The term UFO is abbreviation and means unidentified flying object.UFO as a phenomenon is also part of our every day modern culture.We as people have always been curious about the world which surround us.So, we started searching for a explanations of the pnenomenona that surround us.In the past people thought that Gods were responsible for most of the unexplained occurring in nature.Gradually science became more and more developed and was able to give explanations to almost all of the unexplained phenomenons.Maybe such is the case also with the UFO.At thepresent dear people do not believe in God but mainly in the UFO.That could be some form of modern religion which captivates the minds of the nowadays people.
There is also anothe probability that UFO are real and come from the outer space.That is the more plausible explanation of the UFO phenomenon because there many indirect evidences that these UFO s are really not a product of our imagination.One of them are the numerous sightings by eyewitnesses of this phenomenon whichdescribe it in great detail.Another important fact which also corroborate the existence of the UFO is the constant denial of the military about their existence which raise suspicion about their frankness.the military and the government has been involved in almost all of the UFO sightings and close encounters with people. They always have arrived first on the scene of the UFO crash and have hidden all the evidences from the general public.
There is still no reasonable explanation given by the scientists about UFO.So the question about its real existence remains opened for now.
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